Free Downloadable Backing Tracks

Instant Jam Tracks

Thank you for purchasing a music from The Geetar Book Shop. Download your free Instant Jam Tracks for all our great books available from The Geetar Bookshop. There are 3 different Instant Jam track lists, to ensure you download the right one for your book please check the lists below and click on the appropriate download button.


The Toolbox Series


The Complete Beginners Series


The Kids Series

We have 3 different downloadable groups of tracks for guitar and ukulele. They range from beginner to advanced level and will help you join a band and jam with friends. Enjoy on your own or in a group. Help improve your guitar skills. Consequently improving your ukulele skills. We have 3 different downloadable groups of tracks for guitar and ukulele.

They range from beginner to advanced level and will help you join a band and jam with friends. Enjoy on your own or in a group. Importantly improving your guitar skills. Importantly improving your ukulele skills. We have 3 different downloadable groups of tracks for guitar and ukulele. They range from beginner to advanced level and will help you join a band and jam with friends. Enjoy on your own or in a group. Help improve your guitar skills. Help improve your ukulele skills.

We have 3 different downloadable groups of tracks for guitar and ukulele. They range from beginner to advanced level and will help you join a band and jam with friends. Enjoy on your own or in a group. Therefore improving your guitar skills. Therefore improving your ukulele skills. In addition to this you will learn how to play guitar and ukulele in a better way.

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